Sword Runner is the working title of a 2D action/adventure game in development. Click here for a YouTube demo of the game. The project is intended to be released on the Android and iOS platforms.
Sword Runner is being developed with Unity3D, a popular game development environment used for both mobile and desktop game applications. The 2D sprites used for most of the graphics are being developed in Piskel and Aseprite. The game will feature multi-touch gameplay for control of your player’s attack and evasive movements. A storyline for the game is also in development, and will feature dialogue between the protagonist and characters he encounters along his journey.
Pictured above are both in-game and conceptual animation. The first animation is a near complete run cycle animation of the protagonist that will be used in the final game. The second run cycle animation was an exercise to learn how to create a basic running animation as a foundation to work on animating the more detailed main character. The third animation was another exercise done to practice drawing and animating a sword attack. Learning how to create animated sprites in Piskel and Aseprite, and control them in a game environment, is an ongoing process made possible through following courses on Udemy.