Theme is a web application that allows users to combine large wallpaper images and music to create customized screensaver themes. A fully working version of this project has yet to be completed, but in final form the intention is to create an online database that stores user themes. The purpose of this web application is primarily to give users access to a potential near limitless number of screensaver themes, where the combination of a pleasing static image and repeating music track can be useful for study or certain office work environments. Secondly, Theme could have potential for social media popularity, with users able to share themes with friends, and garner hits or likes from other users.
This was an individual project coded in Java, HTML and CSS. It was worked on for a Databases course under the Computer Science department at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. This was the first project I worked on that involved both an interactive website, and linking it to a database. It was extremely challenging with my inexperience, and I was unable to accomplish the larger scale vision previously mentioned. I was, however, able to create a version that could pull media files for the images and sounds from a local database.
Here is the link to a screencast demonstration on YouTube.